Reuther Farmland East of Ashley, ND For Sale and/or Rent
Fredonia, ND

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Reuther Farmland For Sale and/or Rent

McIntosh County, North Dakota, Farm 819 (See Map)

Tracts: 3936, 3937, 3938, and 3939

Total Acres: 964.35 acres (In three parts)

Total Cropland: 581.51 acres (493.3 base acres)

Total Grassland/Pasture (Total minus cropland): 382.84

Part 1 (Kappes Trust-Pink):

458.62 (Total acres)

301.97 (Crop acres)

156.65 (Pasture/grassland acres)

Part 2 (Faszer Trust-Teal):

465.55 (Total acres)

253.76 (Crop acres)

211.79 (Pasture/grassland acres)

Part 3 (Co-owned Kappes & Faszer Trusts-Purple)

40.18 (Total acres)

25.78 (Crop acres)

14.4 (Pasture/grassland acres)

Estimated Value (Taken from April 2024 ND Department of Trust Lands Report):

Cropland Ownership Value for McIntosh County cropland: $3,169/acre (2024) and $1,967 (5-year past average): $1.84M (2024) or $1.144 (5 year average).

Cropland Cash Rental Rate for cropland: $72.20/acre (2024) and $63.90 (5-year past average): $41,985 (2024) or $37,158 (5 year average)/year.

Pastureland Ownership Value for McIntosh County cropland: $1,580/acre (2024) and $1,259 (5-year past average): $604,887 (2024) or $481,996 (5 year average).

Pastureland Cash Rental Rate for cropland: $30.90/acre (2024) and $30.30 (5-year past average): $11,829 (2024) or $11,600 (5 year average)/year.

Estimated (Average) Total Range of Ownership: $2.45M $1.626M

Estimated (Average) Total Range of Cash Rent: $53,800 - $48,750/year.

Land is under rental contract through December 31, 2025. Therefore, rental or purchase agreements must be dated in 2026 or accommodate the existence of the current tenant.

For questions, inquiries, or to make offers, contact:

Jon E. Kappes, Esq.

Law Offices of Jon E. Kappes, PLC

P: 602-614-4060


Lot Size (Acres)964.35

Suggested Listings

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