IBC Tote Rack Frame
Leola, SD

Condition: Used
Seller Type: Private Seller
Watching: 8
Views: 84
IBC Tote Rack Frame plainsindustries.com Leola SD

54'' tall 66'' wide

Standard width is 96'' wide

Rack can be used on 96'' or 102'' wide trailer using bolt on adapter plates (Holes for adapter plate standard on frames)

Rack is bolted through main center beams & outside Rails (Drilling holes required)

Rack can be mounted across the deck - 2 totes loaded from driver side 2 totes loaded from passenger side

Rack can be mounted on either side of deck - Load all 4 totes from side rack is on

Hinges gates on each end (54'' side) are standard equipment

Hinged gates 96'' side for side load rack (customer specified when ordering)

Front & back sides are (bolted in place) for installation or removal depending on customers preference

Front & back enclosure is 3 piece with the option to remove any of the 3 panels separately with only a few bolts

Top totes can be tied down using a ratchet strap or utilizing our unique design of a round tube with quick latch pin

& slot on opposite side


Application ManufacturerAG PRODUCTS
Application Equipment TypesFertilizer Applicators
Fertilizer Applicator TypeLiquid

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